Who we are
Sejak 1970, Gampang Ingat merupakan perusahaan dagang yang bergerak dalam bidang pendistribusian dan perdagangan perangkat keras pintu dan jendela.
Gampang Ingat is a leading trading company specialized in distributing and supplying hardware building hardwares and windows since 1970.
What we do
Gampang Ingat melayani pembelian dalam partai besar untuk pemasok, maupun dalam jumlah kecil untuk pemakai langsung. Kami juga telah banyak berkerjasama dengan arsitek, kontraktor, dan perancang interior dalam proses pengerjaan proyek-proyek.
Gampang Ingat supplies building hardwares and furniture fittings both to distributor and retail market. We often work closely with many architects and contractors for residential, hotel high-rise office building and apartment projects.
What we offer
- Produk lokal : tiang bracket, daun bracket, lemari baju, kunci laci, rel besi, tangga dan lain-lain.
- Produk impor untuk keperluan pintu dan jendela seperti glass-fitting, floorhinge, door-closer, badan kunci, silinder, handel pintu, engsel koboi, engsel sendok, door-seal, hingga keperluan furnitur seperti tutup kaki pipa dari plastik, roda kursi, ambalan, lem kaca, dan lain-lain.
- Local products : Twin slot upright bracket, Shelving brackets, Hooks, Wardrobe fittings, Cabinet hardware (door knob, catches, latches), Door stopper, Door viewer, Flush bolts, U-Profile, Ladders, slotted angle rack, etc
- Imported products for door and window : glass-fitting, floorhinge, door-closer, lockcase, cylinder, handle, butt hinge, ball-bearing hinge, clip-on concealed hinge, tee hinge, continuous hinge, self-closing hinge, lift-off hinge, door-sealant, adhesive. And furniture fittings : chair wheel castor, glass cutter, UV curing adhesive, plastic chair insert/plug, round/rectangular plastic cup for pipe.
Our Vision
Seiring dengan berkembangnya kreatifitas dalam dunia arsitektur, kami selalu berusaha untuk mengikuti perkembangan desain interior dan eksterior bangunan dengan melengkapi berbagai rangkaian jenis produk kami.
Gampang Ingat is committed to supply building construction accessories to meet the growing demand of sophisticated building exterior and interior accessories.